“And that’s where the problem lies. We’re still behaving like the rebel alliance, but now we’re the…”

October 09 Comments Off on “And that’s where the problem lies. We’re still behaving like the rebel alliance, but now we’re the…” Category: Feed, Games, Tumblr

“And that’s where the problem lies. We’re still behaving like the rebel alliance, but now we’re the Empire. We got where we are by ignoring outsiders and believing in ourselves even when nobody else would. The decades have proved that our way was largely right and the critics were wrong, so our habit of not listening has become deeply entrenched. It even became a bit of a bonding ritual to attack critics of the culture because they usually didn’t understand what we were doing beyond a surface level. It didn’t used to matter because nobody except a handful of forum readers would see the rants. The same reflex becomes a massive problem now that nerds wield real power. GamerGate made me ashamed to be a gamer, but the scary thing is that the underlying behavior of attacking critics felt like something I’d always seen in our culture, and tolerated. It only shocked me when it was scaled up so massively into rape and death threats, and I saw mainstream corporations like Intel folding in the face of the pressure we can bring to bear.”

Why Nerd Culture Must Die.

playanon: Jessica Goldstein totally gets it.

May 28 Comments Off on playanon: Jessica Goldstein totally gets it. Category: Feed, Tumblr


Jessica Goldstein totally gets it.

“”The fruits of our culture’s ingrained misogyny laid bare for all to see. […] We are not…”

May 27 Comments Off on “”The fruits of our culture’s ingrained misogyny laid bare for all to see. […] We are not…” Category: Feed, Tumblr

“The fruits of our culture’s ingrained misogyny laid bare for all to see.


We are not Lewis from Revenge of the Nerds, we are not Steve Urkel from Family Matters, we are not Preston Myers from Can’t Hardly Wait, we are not Seth Rogen in every movie Seth Rogen has ever been in, we are not f*cking Mario racing to the castle to beat Bowser because we know there’s a princess in there waiting for us.”

Your Princess Is in Another Castle: Misogyny, Entitlement, and Nerds.