“There’s the middle group — where they’re acting like full-time employees and being paid like…”

September 19 Comments Off on “There’s the middle group — where they’re acting like full-time employees and being paid like…” Category: Feed, Tumblr

“”There’s the middle group — where they’re acting like full-time employees and being paid like contractors. That group is disenfranchised.””

Does Silicon Valley Have a Contract-Worker Problem?

Millennials aren’t using credit cards, and it might come back to haunt them

September 08 Comments Off on Millennials aren’t using credit cards, and it might come back to haunt them Category: Feed, Tumblr

Millennials aren’t using credit cards, and it might come back to haunt them:

A new study finds Millennials are ditching plastic. That might hurt them in the future.

Being responsible with your debt isn’t going to help you get a good credit history. Welcome to a system designed to force you into significant levels of potential debt in order to go into further debt. All this to abdicate responsibility of your personal information to faceless sketchy credit and credit rating companies for a house or a car that is more likely to lose value than gain it by the end of your life time. 

Our parents bought into a system in which credit card use and taking on high debt loads were qualifiers for loans and positive background checks. Now when Millennials opt-out of a system designed to provide approval for what is essentially wage-slavery they find they are unqualified to gain credit because they’ve been more fiscally responsible then the last two generations. 

Millennials: screwed either way.