Scenes From the Terrifying, Already Forgotten JFK Airport Shooting That Wasn’t

August 23 Comments Off on Scenes From the Terrifying, Already Forgotten JFK Airport Shooting That Wasn’t Category: Facebook, Feed

Just got around to reading this and it is quite a record of official ineptitude.

“t was several hours in, after the second stampede, that I even encountered my first cop, a member of the Port Authority police; by the time I left the airport several hours later, I still hadn’t seen a single one of them address the crowd to give any kind of information or direction, and hadn’t seen a single NYPD officer. It was an event, in the end, of mass crowd hysteria, and yet, crowd control had fallen entirely to the people who scurry around on the tarmac beneath the planes, literally never encountering passengers in their work. One of them told me, later, that 500 cops were presently clearing the terminal; not a single one, at that point, had been deployed to deal with the crowd outside.”

Travelers lived through the panic and chaos of a terror attack, only to learn it was an act of mass crowd hysteria.

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