The 125 percent solution for American health care

September 05 Comments Off on The 125 percent solution for American health care Category: Feed, Tumblr

The 125 percent solution for American health care: America is the best (at paying almost 10x the cost for a basic medical procedure).

“If you increase health then people will become more liberal and happier,” he told me at the zoo. “I…”

April 07 Comments Off on “If you increase health then people will become more liberal and happier,” he told me at the zoo. “I…” Category: Feed, Tumblr

““If you increase health then people will become more liberal and happier,” he told me at the zoo. “I don’t think that is a bad idea.””

The Germ Theory of Democracy, Dictatorship, and Your Cherished Beliefs – Pacific Standard: The Science of Society (via wildcat2030)

One hospital charges $8,000 -€” another, $38,000

May 08 Comments Off on One hospital charges $8,000 -€” another, $38,000 Category: Feed, Tumblr

One hospital charges $8,000 -€” another, $38,000:

Consumers on Wednesday will finally learn some answers about one of modern life’s most persistent mysteries: how much medical care actually costs.

For the same operation, in the same town, On The Same Street(!) the difference between hospitals for the same operation is $120,000 dollars. Have “pneumonia, with no complications”? Depending on where you live, the cost can range by almost $120,000 there too.