The 125 percent solution for American health care

September 05 Comments Off on The 125 percent solution for American health care Category: Feed, Tumblr

The 125 percent solution for American health care: America is the best (at paying almost 10x the cost for a basic medical procedure).

One hospital charges $8,000 -€” another, $38,000

May 08 Comments Off on One hospital charges $8,000 -€” another, $38,000 Category: Feed, Tumblr

One hospital charges $8,000 -€” another, $38,000:

Consumers on Wednesday will finally learn some answers about one of modern life’s most persistent mysteries: how much medical care actually costs.

For the same operation, in the same town, On The Same Street(!) the difference between hospitals for the same operation is $120,000 dollars. Have “pneumonia, with no complications”? Depending on where you live, the cost can range by almost $120,000 there too.